Who is Who in the Allied Powers: World War One


Herbert Asquith (British Prime Minister 1914-1916): Asquith led Britain into war in 1914. After the Battle of the Somme, he was blamed for military failures and was replaced.


David Lloyd George (British Prime Minister 1916-1922, British War Minister 1916-1918): When Asquith resigned in1916, Lloyd George became Prime Minister of a new government.


Sir John French (British Commander in Chief 1914-1915): French was 66 when he was given command of British forces. He was replaced by Haig in 1915.


Sir Douglas Haig (British Field Marshal (head of British Forces) 1916-1918): Haig replaced Sir John French as head of the British forces. He retired in 1919.


Field Marshal Horatio Earl Kitchener (British War Minister 1914-1916): Kitchener was Britain’s most distinguished soldier. He died in 1916 when his ship hit a floating mine.


Admiral Sir John Jellicoe (Commander in Chief of Britain’s Grand Fleet) 1914-1916: Jellicoe was in command of the British Fleet during the Battle of Jutland in 1916.


Georges Clemenceau (Prime Minister of France 1917-1920): Clemenceau helped establish Ferdinand Foch as leader of the Allied Forces.


Marshal Joseph Joffre (Head of French Forces 1914-1916): Joffre is most famous for leading the allied armies at the Battle of the Marne. After Verdun, he was replaced by Nivelle.


General Robert Nivelle (French Commander in Chief 1916-1917): Nivelle became a French hero after the Battle of Verdun in 1916.


General Henri-Phillipe Petain (French Commander in Chief 1917-1918): Petain took command when there were mutinies in the French Army. He helped to restore order.


Marshal Ferdinand Fosh (Commander in Chief of all the Allied Armies March-November 1918): Foch was the first person to control all of the allied forces in France.


Woodrow Wilson (President of the USA 1913-1921): Wilson brought the United States of America into the First World War in 1917.


General John Pershing (Commander of American Forces 1917-1924): Pershing brought the US army from 500,000 men in1917 to 3 million in 1918.


Tsar Nicholas II (Emporer of Russia and Russian Head of State 1894-1917): Nicholas II was the last Russian tsar. He was overthrown in 1917 and was executed in 1918.


Duke Nicholas Nikolaevich (Commander in Chief of the Russian army 1914-1915): Nikolaevich was the uncle of Tsar Nicholas II.